Sidewalk & Curb Program

The West Central Neighborhood Association may reimburse up to 50% of your cost when you replace qualifying sidewalks or curbs through the City of Fort Wayne’s cost-sharing program. This means the city pays 50% of the cost, we pay 25% of the cost, and you pay 25% of the cost. What a deal!

How to Apply:
  1. Review the West Central Sidewalk Program guidelines here.
  2. Submit a free application to the city. They will let you know the cost to repair your sidewalk or curb. Homeowners are often pleasantly surprised to find out it costs less than they expected.
  3. Submit the application embedded below. The application must be approved by WCNA prior to the homeowner signing and returning the quote to the city.
  4. Email a copy of the city’s estimate to the WCNA at

The WCNA Sidewalk/Curb program is only available for residential properties owned by current dues-paying members of the neighborhood association. Only one property per owner per year is eligible for funds. Funds are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, and may run out at any point without warning. The property must be within the West Central Association boundary.

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