Tree Program

To help replace lost trees and add to the neighborhood’s tree canopy, the West Central Neighborhood Association has allocated funds to provide monetary assistance to property owners who would like a tree planted in their yard or park strip.

These programs are available for current dues-paying members of the neighborhood association who’s property lies within the West Central Association boundaries.

Park Strip Tree

To apply, please complete the WCNA Tree Program Application. Applications are due in June for planting in late fall.

Missed the deadline? No worries! Drop us an email so the board knows you’re interested in the program for next year. Next year’s budget usually gets approved in the fall.

Yard Tree

Are you interested in receiving a free native tree to plant on your property?

Our neighborhood is partnering with a local nonprofit called the Tree Canopy Growth Fund. Their mission is to foster community health through urban tree planting and advocacy. As part of this work, they are giving away 100 free native trees to interested residents.

If you have a spot on your property where a tree could fit and a willingness to plant and care for the tree, they will provide a tree (3-gallon, 4-6 feet tall) at no cost and deliver it directly to you in mid-April 2023. Multiple native species are available.

This opportunity is initially being made available to residents of three neighborhoods, including ours. Unless all trees are accounted for already, the request form will be made available to the entire public on March 8, 2023. If you are interested, please request your tree sooner than later.

To learn more about, explore the available tree species, and submit a request, visit Any questions can be directed via email to


  • Having large trees in yards along streets increases a home’s value from 3 percent to 15 percent. Wolf, Kathleen L, PhD, University of Washington (2007) City Trees and Property Values. Arborist News. 16, 4:34-36.
  • Trees properly placed around buildings can reduce air conditioning needs by 30 percent and can save 20–50 percent in energy used for heating. USDA Forest Service
  • In laboratory research, visual exposure to settings with trees has produced significant recovery from stress within five minutes, as indicated by changes in blood pressure and muscle tension. Dr. Roger S. Ulrich Texas A&M University
  • A study in Baltimore found that a 10% increase in tree canopy cover was associated with a roughly 12% decrease in crime. Outdoor areas with trees also tend to suffer from less graffiti and littering than areas without trees.
  • Tree-lined neighborhoods can create stronger neighborhoods and attract new residents. One study showed that residents in areas with tree canopy reported knowing their neighbors better, socializing with them more often, having a stronger community, and feeling safer and better adjusted than residents of identical areas without trees.   
  • In an age where walkability and pedestrian-friendly areas tend to draw the most people, tree planting is a powerful tool to revitalize business districts and neighborhoods.  According to the Federal Highway Administration, urban tree canopy near streets has been shown to slow traffic, helping ensure safe, walkable streets in communities.

“I never before knew the full value of trees. Under them I breakfast, dine, write, read and receive my company.” -Thomas Jefferson 20

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