Hello Neighbors!
It’s another grand day in the ol’ West End.
Our August membership meeting was a good one! We had very nice attendance (although we’d love to have even more) and robust conversations. To lead things off, Creager Smith from the Historic Preservation Commission provided a wonderful history of the West Central neighborhood, beginning with its original platting and including lots of great pictures of homes and buildings. You can find his entire presentation here – and I encourage you to look through it.
The most energetic discussion was around the pending Hemphill Smith Foundation sculpture that’s slated for the triangle bordered by West Jefferson, Garden and Swinney Place. The Foundation has requested financial support from the WCNA, which the board discussed and recommended a $15,000 contribution specific to the gateway signage that this public art includes. While this is a very large donation for the neighborhood, the board feels it is appropriate given the circumstances.
On the picture below, you’ll notice a “Historic West Central” sign made from granite standing in front of the art piece. This type of gateway marker on West Jefferson Blvd has been in the plans for the neighborhood for nearly a decade, so this project will finally bring this to fruition – and for less money than has been estimated for a sign on its own.

While all in attendance generally supported this project, there we concerns raised by those who live along the triangle that the sculpture was too tall for that space and would compete with the historic homes. Because the project had to receive Historic Preservation Commission approval, the scale of the sculpture was considered and deemed appropriate for that space.
You can find more information on that here along with info from the Public Arts Commission, which have specific details for the project that must be followed or, if changed are made, new approvals would be required. I encourage you to go through them, including a 3-dimensional computer generated “drive by”. In the end, an overwhelming majority of the members in attendance voted in favor of the contribution.
The 42nd Annual Home & Garden Tour and Artsfest is right around the corner, September 7 & 8. This year features an amazing array of homes (although that’s par for the course), great live music both Saturday and Sunday, and a bevy of original art vendors and spaces. We still need volunteers so if you’re able please click here to sign up – we have something for everyone and can accommodate physical limitations.
Speaking of volunteers, our own Historic Preservation Committee is hoping to add members. Please connect with either of the two co-chairs, Charlotte Weybright (cwey0409@frontier.com) or Shelley Rothgeb (sabrothgeb@gmail.com).
Last but not least, please note that because of the tour there is no membership meeting in September. We’ll get back together the third Monday of October (10/21) at 7 pm. Our guest speakers will be Antonette Payne from Fort Wayne Community Schools who is the West Central board representative, and our very own Charlotte Weybright with a history conversation featuring the architecture of Wing & Mahurin, who’s examples are all over West Central.
See you at the Home Tour and on the front porch!
Joel Sauer, President